Five advantages of hiring a squad as a service | CADMUS

Five advantages of hiring a squad as a service

By: | 5 de April de 2023 6Min of reading

Your company needs to develop software, and, among so many models available in the market, the moment to choose the most adequate one for the project’s profile may not be an easy task. Which one to choose?

The squad as a service model stands out on several fronts, and we will address the main advantages of using this team and being more assertive and cost-effective throughout the process.

The squad as a service model brings significant benefits to software development, with a team made up of expert professionals, in an autonomous, dynamic, and customized way.

Before understanding the advantages, let’s get into context.

Is squad as a service the same as dedicated teams?

Before understanding the advantages of squad as a service, it is important to understand it. Also known as dedicated teams, it is the result of an evident need in organizational restructuring in the technology area.

This is a business model in which a company offers software development services through a team of highly qualified specialists, called a “squad”.

This team is composed of professionals from different fields, such as developers, designers, project managers, data analysts, and others, who work together on a specific project to deliver a quality product or service.

Squad as a service is based on agile methodologies, in which the work is divided into sprints (short work cycles) and each squad is responsible for a part of the project.

This allows the team to work collaboratively, making decisions together, and maintaining a high level of communication to ensure that the project is delivered on time and with the expected quality.

Learn about the five main advantages:


1- Don’t worry about finding professionals: squad as a service brings the best specialists

When the company opts for this model, it doesn’t have to worry about searching for several professionals in the market, conducting several interviews, and evaluating who the best options are. The administrative, HR, or fiscal issues – the boring part of the process – are all left to the partner.

Squad as a service provides for the hiring of experts in their field. This means that the company has access to a highly qualified team that can offer a unique set of skills and knowledge that may not be available in its own team.


2- More flexibility throughout the project development process

By choosing the squad as a service model, the company can choose the size and duration of the specific project or job.

This brings more flexibility, because the organization can increase or decrease the team, depending on the demands that arise during the project. In this model, it is quite common for teams to start one way and end up taking on other roles during the course of the same project.


3- The squad as service reduces costs and allows you to focus on what really matters

Having a software development team contracted on a squad-as-a-service model can be more cost-effective than structuring a team in-house.

The costs associated with the selection and hiring process, as well as the training, are already included in the value agreed with the partner.

This way you can concentrate on your core business, without worrying about developing the skills needed to complete the project. This also allows more time and resources to be devoted to the core business activities.


4 – Innovative solutions and more agile goals

Relying on a squad as a service, in a way, promotes an autonomous attitude. Here, the professionals in the dedicated team bring a new perspective and way of working, are free to make decisions, with innovative and assertive solutions to reach the goals with more agility.

The contracted team may have different processes and methodologies that can bring an innovative approach to the organization and speed up project completion.


5- More than developing: squad management as a service also makes the difference

Considering the specifics that software development involves, managing a team of specialists when technology is not your core business may not be a complex task.

When the management of the team is under the responsibility not only of those who selected, but also of those who master the processes, it is easier to identify problems and their eventual solutions.

In other words, by hiring a squad as a service, results are achieved more efficiently. This allows for assertiveness in the actions and project management. In the end, this means a faster r development project.

Now that you know the advantages of dedicated teams over an IT body shop it is time to choose the ideal team for your project.

Cadmus works in the model of squad as a service and makes available the best specialists, following not only the stages of development, but also the team management, according to each customer’s needs. Find out more!