TechDay February: In Party Mood! | CADMUS

TechDay February: In Party Mood!

By: | 28 de February de 2020 4Min of reading

Those who follow our blog already know that on the last Friday of the month we hold TechDay, an event where our collaborators share their professional and personal experiences. Check out what happened in the February issue.

Cadmus Votorantim

Techday Votorantim

Opening the lecture agenda, Angelica de Lima brought to the employees of the Votorantim unit a panel about SAFe, within the Business Agility concept.

A robust tool, SAFe – Scaled Agile Framework – contributes positively to companies that already have contact with agility, especially in teams that already use some agile methodology on a daily basis.

During her panel, Angelica explored some fields of SAFe, especially those most applicable in companies with an agile mindset. According to her, this tool is essential to keep up with the evolution of technology companies, since older methods could not be effective in these scenarios.

In addition, employees were able to view the processes that are already being implemented here at Cadmus – such as CoPs and DevOps.

Techday Angelica

Cadtalk: Present father, consistent professional

To reinforce our People First value, our collaborator Lucio Oliveira shared how he has reconciled his professional life now that he is a father.

Besides officially introducing Gael, his one-year-old son, Lucio talked about his responsibilities as a father, the collaboration with his wife, and the importance of the father figure as a support in this journey.
According to him, the dynamism of his team was essential for him to be able to follow the first days of little Gael’s life.

At the end of his panel, he reinforced the importance of the company’s empathy with its employees, because by providing a comfortable work environment and enabling several forms of interaction, they will be able to accompany each new phase of their child.

Techday Lucio

Show it here: Easy Piece Project

To finish the lecture cycles, our Test Analyst, Cauê Silva, shared a project recently developed for our client Metalfrio.

The main objective of this project was to provide more autonomy to manage and monitor the parts in the field, since the solution that was in use did not meet these requirements, resulting in a deficit of traceability of this material.
Different teams have moved to create a new platform. It has been developed and is already being implemented with the client.

Techday Caue

Cadmus São Paulo

Starting the talks at our São Paulo unit, Acácio de Antonio gave a super class and showed the importance of the correct use of the Portuguese language in the corporate environment, especially in the business area.
During his lecture, Acácio brought relevant data, as well as exercises to put all the tips into practice, instigating everyone to transmit more clarity in the way they communicate.

techday acacio

Show There: NOC Project

Sharing is also part of our values, which is why Sandy Marques presented the NOC Project – a solution developed for our client iFood, a source of great pride for our commercial team.

In her presentation, Sandy showed the purpose of this project, challenges, and the results generated by our teams.

Techday Sandy

Happiness Moment / People First

Recently our collaborator Ana Luisa Pinheiro found out that she will be a grandmother.

To congratulate the arrival of little Brayan, the Cadmus team joined forces and presented the family with diapers and utensils for the arrival of the family’s first grandchild.