Cadmus' expert outsourcing offering provides clients with the people with the skills needed in their companies, with professional development processes similar to those we use to attract, retain, and train talent.
Cadmus' customers are supported at all stages, from defining the most suitable profile for the job to contract management.
While Cadmus maintains a Specialist allocation manager to facilitate administrative issues, the allocated professional continues with the collaboration and technical support resources of the Cadmus structure.
We offer, in a secure way, fluid communication, continuous training, and professional development through a set of tools:
Not to lose opportunities for lack of people
With Cadmus' Extended Teams model, customers can quickly add capacity and add new competencies to their teams without having to go through the cycle of selection, hiring, training, and management.
The professional allocated to the Extended Times can work on the client's premises or remotely. In both cases, in addition to the management of the employment contract being the full responsibility of Cadmus, the professional has technical support and other collaboration resources from Cadmus, which it takes inside the client company.
The company hires the hours corresponding to the demands and Cadmus takes care of the management of the shifts, and of eventual replacements or temporary expansions in the Human Resources framework.
Cadmus professionals are empowered to share best practices across teams, as well as document everything needed to ensure standard and continuity to the work you perform.
Cadmus includes in its Extended Times offer SLA templates, monitoring tools, and action plans to accompany the professional, support and direct him or her to achieve the goals.
Cadmus maintains offices and workgroups located in the regions of business concentration, which have the corporate resources and also have a development structure in India with CMMI 5 certification.
Multidisciplinary teams delivering value and empowering agile transformation
Squads are multidisciplinary teams, with direct communication, autonomy and responsibility for the entire cycle of a given system or product, from conception to after-sales service. Cadmus has supported companies from various segments in all aspects related to methodologies, practices, tools and cultural changes to form the teams of agile organizations.
Squads work with clearly defined goals and metrics, while having the autonomy to correct tactics according to changes in the business context, new customer demands, or to reverse the team's own mistakes. Specialists in product, marketing, development, security, or any other related discipline work side by side. Their collaboration, however, is not restricted to their specialty, and any voice of common sense is immediately heard by the entire group, which speeds up and reduces the costs of correcting errors. The leader, on the other hand, has more of a people management and strategic alignment role than a hierarchical one, since decisions and responsibilities are distributed.
Cadmus guides the development of squads along the following lines:
The team needs to understand their purpose, the benefits to the customer, the alignment to the strategy, and how to collaborate to achieve the goals.
Straightforward, goal-oriented communication.
The leader may have different roles, depending on the context, but his fundamental capacity is to know, support, and guide people to improve processes, strategic alignment, and business evolution.
The structure of your team (size, skills, physical or virtual working environment) has a big impact on its performance.
The Squad needs to develop mechanisms for self-evaluation, continuous improvement, and creation of action plans, as well as an objective dialogue about performance and results with the organization's stake holders.
Specialized in supporting digital transformation processes with agile models, Cadmus has accumulated dozens of success cases and knows the culture of companies of various sizes and segments.
Cadmus guides the definition of the methodology, or combinations of SCRUM, Kaban, and other agile schemes, according to the teams' objectives, as well as the tools for project management.
Expertise in UX and Design Thinking facilitates putting into practice guidelines such as "customer vision" and strategic alignment.
Cadmus guides the interlocution and changes in perspective of the organization's management, which shifts its focus from managing employees to managing work, with teams with autonomy and co-responsibility.
With a team of HR specialists and experienced psychologists, we carry out the search for candidates with agility and assertiveness through intensive use of technology and the know-how of our professionals, in addition to applying technical, behavioral, and fluency tests.
We identify the best profiles in the market, according to the needs of our clients temporary contracts or indefinite periods for the administrative, technical, or operational segments.
We use best practices and follow service levels (SLA) strategically defined according to each client's needs.