The great advantage of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) lies in connecting the automation of a task with other processes, workflows, and business rules.
All this to help improve your company's process efficiency and customer experience competitiveness.
Cadmus' Process Automation solutions have addressed business demands in areas such as: HR, IT, Financial, Commercial and Services.
Process Automation eliminates the wear and tear and risks of operating multiple parallel systems - the retyping or "Crtl+C; Alt+tab; Crtl+V" between multiple screens that is still part of the unproductive routine. Technically, integration by Process Automation does not require discrete interventions in each system, which simplifies projects and process management at a high level, without depending on complex IT services for each extension or change.
Sales force professionals, field service and other key activities are freed from accessory tasks. In addition to freeing up time, Process Automation empowers people to work focused on their core business, with facilities to optimize their own work.
More than the financial issues, keeping a heavy headcount only for operational support generates noise and inefficiencies that go against the goals of Agile Transformation. Process Automation adds agility, autonomy, and engagement for the people who make a difference for the business and the customer.
Before automating, an assessment and analysis of the processes allows the identification of redundancies, anachronisms, and other hidden costs
The new generation of customers doesn't care about organizational charts and competencies, and, as a consequence, Agile Transformation involves streamlining workflows and collaboration between areas.
With performance tracking methodologies, UX (user experience) and machine learning tools, processes can be adjusted or updated with each discovery or change of scenario.
As repetitive procedures (e.g., service desk calls for password resets) start to flow automatically between the front end and the back office, Process Automation simplifies the delivery of functionality to self-service applications and chatbots that can be easily programmed to recognize and resolve common issues.