Digital Transformation | CADMUS
transformção digital

Idea, execution and

results in a

single movement

We live in a competitive world that demands a quick response from companies to changing scenarios and to what our customers want, who in turn are connected to a huge network of social influences and new discoveries.

That is why it is necessary to quickly adapt to these new scenarios through experimentation and empirical evolution, and that is exactly where, in this scenario in constant movement, the cultural transition of the organization from its traditional methods of delivering value to an agile and innovative thinking becomes necessary.

Time to market
Time to market, simplification and response time

The speed to launch digital services; change processes on a large scale; or compete in more innovative niches leads traditional industries to the Agile Journey.

Taxa de retorno
Rate of return, with resources strongly aligned to results

Projects with tangible scope; visibility over all related technical, financial, and human resources; objective measurement of results allow quick reversal of errors, as well as scaling up investments in what proves value generation.

Pessoas cultura
People, culture and strategies

Targeted content; training of facilitators, leaders, and multipliers; alignment with strategic and managerial areas (board of directors and HR, for example); and direct support to teams in the various stages of the Journey make the corporate objectives effectively guide the work.

Governança e Compliance
Governance & Compliance

The mitigation of risks associated with innovation is a natural outgrowth of the Agile Jourrney supported by Cadmus. The way of segmenting and scaling the scope of the initiatives, in itself, already mitigates several risks, from product performance in the market to uncertainties with compliance "gray areas".

Trabalhar no que interessa
Work on what interests customers and stakeholders

En los equipos ágiles, las divisiones de tareas, el liderazgo y las metas tienen un único objetivo: ofrecer soluciones a medida y de calidad. En este modelo, los equipos tienen autonomía para configurar las tácticas en función de factores como el comportamiento de los clientes y las tendencias del mercado o las estrategias organizativas.

Gaining Speed

The business world is becoming increasingly volatile, uncertain, and complex. Business Agility is a way to successfully overcome some of this ambiguity. In this scenario it has become essential for companies undergoing digital transformation as it provides the tools needed to streamline iteration with customers and address changing market needs.

Business Agility uses best management practices for times of extreme uncertainty and sudden change, where the ability to learn fast, make decisions, and mobilize resources is decisive to remain competitive.

Cadmus supports your company with the best practices and techniques for adopting Business Agility and achieve better and greater visibility of projects, promote IT alignment with other areas of the company, provide increased morale of the teams, considering greater empowerment of them in addition to increasing the speed of product delivery and time to market. In addition to improving the way they deal with changing business priorities and increase productivity, all in a more agile and effective manner aligned to the business strategy.

Culture involves developing people, not only in how to do things, but also how to think to do things. Enabling people for agile culture by creating business- and customer-focused thinking through competencies that drive people toward what really matters.

It is necessary to understand that culture not only brings innovation and differentiation to the business, it is also a significant agent for cost reduction and increased productivity.

Its essence is in the organizational transformation of the company, which starts to have extremely committed and empowered teams, close to the business and sensitive to its needs, with an obstinate focus on eliminating waste and generating value.

With Cadmus, your company will become an adaptive organization, much more prepared to react to the stimuli of the environment in which it is located. Whether these stimuli are optimistic or pessimistic, whether they are containment or expansion, the adaptive organization is the one that will have the greatest ability to react quickly to these stimuli and even to anticipate them.

Innovating to transform

An important element of digital transformation is, of course, technology. However, it is often more about discarding outdated processes and legacy technologies than adopting new ones. It's also about enabling innovation.

If companies want to evolve with the rapid pace of digital change today, they must work to increase efficiency with technology wherever possible. For many, this means adopting agile principles across the enterprise. Automation technologies also help many IT organizations gain speed and reduce technical debt.

The use of new technologies optimizes internal processes and customer relationships to add value. More than that, the tools adopted contribute to innovation, a key element for success, for this, Cadmus uses frameworks and technological platforms to support your company's Digital Transformation journey.