Medgroup | CADMUS
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Digital content platform
enriches the study of Medicine

MEDGRUPO offers today the innovative experience for medical students, based on projects and methodologies developed with Cadmus. More than just a content repository, MEDGRUPO includes facilities for consultation, annotations, collaboration, exercises, and other resources to optimize study. 'MEDGRUPO has been in the market for over 22 years supporting medical students to achieve their dream of medical residency. Out of every 10 candidates, 9 are from MEDGRUPO. We have 140 units spread throughout the Brazilian territory and we serve more than 30 thousand students per year,' describes Petrus Abi-Abib, MEDGRUPO's agilist.

Behind this experience are complex integrations with content sources and the functionality of each device. In 2015, when Cadmus arrived, we had a huge challenge to provide our students with a differentiated study experience through our websites and apps. We needed to grow the team, take the demands out of queues, and accelerate this transformation, Abib recalls. Our main goal with the Cadmus entry was to have more flow in the outflow of demands to our customers and development of products and functionalities, requested by the company's top management, to deliver more value to our students. Cadmus was chosen due to its way of working, response time in hiring new team members, and assertiveness in the selection process, he explains.

The MEDGRUPO user has a workbook reader made entirely in HTML. In MEDGRUPO, Cadmus used the Electron framework, newly released at the time, to provide a desktop experience comparable to the most innovative websites. MEDGRUPO also pioneered the use of Ionic for mobile development. The MedSoft application gives access to all the questions from all the exams, you can watch review classes, consult all the handout material, interact with the teachers and other students, and take exams. The service we use is outsourcing, and we have people from Cadmus on all our fronts, from the institutional site and student enrollment to the learning products, he explains. Along with the use of newly released technologies, the development of MEDGRUPO's products involves complex applications with various modules, integration to various services, and ensuring compatibility with all users' devices. 'Without Cadmus, it would not have been possible for us to have delivered everything we have delivered in recent years, and this has accelerated and kept us ahead of our competitors,' says Abib.

The development of MEDGRUPO's new products was executed by mixed teams, with professionals from the company and Cadmus, which also contributed its expertise in supporting agile methodologies and teams. 'Although the service is outsourcing, the partnership between MEDGRUPO and Cadmus extends to agile lectures,' he mentions.


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